Stained Glass Windows
The Windows in the Tower​ were gifted to the church of Crail by a descendant of Sir William Merton (died c 1539) and are in the modern idiom. They were dedicated on Sunday 21st June 1970.
The left-hand window of the two larger panels is based on the CREATION and the one on the right on REDEMPTION.

​In the CREATION window, the idea of the division of light and darkness was taken as the starting point, and this is expressed in the shaft of clear white against a strong background of rich purple colours. This shaft of light emanates from the circular, red motif, representing both a “source of life” and the formation of the Sun and Moon, at the top of the window and illuminates the entire centre of the design until it falls upon the red Earth shape at the base. The Earth has been envisaged as a whirling, fiery shape which is slowly solidifying in a Sea of molten rock. Stretching up from the Earth, there rises a simplified tree-like form, representing the growth of vegetation upon Earth, while “Animal Life” is represented by the white bird shown descending towards Earth from the shape (Sun) at the top of the design.​

The starting point in the design of the REDEMTION window was the Cross of the Crucifixion which, in strong red colours forms the central motif of the window. The Cross rises from a “World in Torment and Flames” (base of design) and stretches upwards towards the red “life source “disc at the top.​​​

Stained Glass Lancet Window (south aisle)
The reopening of this medieval window is the latest restoration work carried out within the Church. The work of local craftsmen it marks the recovery of a 13th Century lancet window which was long infilled with random rubble and concealed by lath and plaster.
The inset stained-glass window, designed and executed by Miss Judith Campbell, D.A., carries a purely decorative motif.
The repair of the ancient setting and the window were gifted as a memorial by a member of the congregation. The dedication took place in June 1975.